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Who you Worship Whispers your Who’s and Why’s


Are you drawn to any stories in particular?

Maybe a certain myth or legend? Or a superhero above all others?

Are there certain scenes in movies that speak to you more than you understand? Get an emotional reaction beyond what you’d expect of yourself?

Pay attention, because you might be trying to tell yourself something about who you really are and what is genuinely important to you.

I spoke a few weeks ago about whys. The point being to hopefully help people consider the real reasons they do whatever they do in their lives. The problem with this is that sometimes that is almost too big of a question to ask and wrap our heads around in one sitting. We need to break it down into bite-sized chunks to even start grappling with it.

Trying to find your place in the universe JUST by asking “what’s my place in the universe” tends to create a touch of overwhelm, weirdly, and makes our consciousness crack the shits and run away looking for something shiny and distracting. Like Netflix. Or wine.

If that’s you, don’t worry. There are clues to help you start figuring it out. And you give them to yourself. Cool of you to do you a solid like that, huh. Your subconscious? Its pretty smart if you give it chance to be listened to. Pay Attention!!!

These clues can be obvious, they can be subtle, they can demand a bit of interpretation too. Ill use myself as an example. I have a tattoo of the Eye of Horus on my left hand, I have a Valknut (which is a symbol of Odin the All-father) on my right. I have always been drawn to Horus for as long as I can remember after hearing his story about how he lost his eye and why. But it took me a much longer time to understand why I was so drawn to him and is story.

Horus lost his eye fighting his chaotic uncle Set, who was dropping the usual bad guy beats of trying to take over the world after killing Horus’ father, Osiris, who was king of the gods and kept order across Egypt. Yeah, Set was kind of a jerk… Long story short, Horus smoked his uncle Set, and restored his father by giving him the eye he’d lost fighting Set. Point being, that way his father wouldn’t be blindsided by brothers who are jerks and could rule Egypt with a greater capacity to see truth. Horus sacrificed for a greater way of being for all Egypt. Sacrificing self for perception and truth. This really spoke to me and told me a lot about who I was and wanted to be.

Odin has a similar story. He sacrificed his eye, and even hung himself from a tree for a greater perception of himself, to learn the magic of runes and the truth of the word around him. Pain and sacrifice… even the greatest of gods do that for something greater than they already have. But that’s a different post for a different time.

The point is, when I started paying attention to who and what I found interesting, I learned something about myself and my values. It gave me a greater sense of myself and my place in the universe. From there, I started to consider how and why I did the things I did, and what I wanted to do with those values. It told me more about my why and what that could look like.

So, what do you get drawn to? Because maybe you need some help and a couple of clues in seeing the deeper truths of yourself.

My friend loves Batman. He has a Batman tattoo. It’s cool. Mostly because its Batman, because Batman is cool. But until I asked him, my friend never knew WHY he thought Batman was cool. (That’s a lot of Batman’s in there… Batman.) If you know anything about the story of how Bruce Wayne became Batman, you’ll appreciate how helpless a child can feel when they don’t have their parents anymore. And what lengths someone will go to not feel helpless and the sacrifices they will make to prevent others from feeling helpless.

When I asked my friend about this, it took him by surprise until we started to look at his life and what motivated him, even if he didn’t consciously know it yet. He told me a story about feeling helpless and exposed as a child, and not really knowing what to do about it, and those thoughts and feelings just played out in his behaviours and thoughts until this very conversation I’m talking about. He started to realise why Batman was important to him, and by extension, why those values and morals and behaviours were important to him. He learnt about himself, understood himself better.

So, I ask again, who do you resonate with? Jesus, Optimus Prime, Xena warrior princess, George Costanza, LeBron James, Fiona from down the street?

What do they show you about yourself?

What do they show you about who you want to be?

What do they represent to you? Are they what you aim for? Or are they who you relate to?

Think about it. You’re giving yourself clues about who you are and what you want to do with your life. Pay ATTENTION!!!

Be kind, be smart, be your best you. No bar fights.

“I wear a mask. And that mask, it’s not to hide who I am, but to create what I am.” Batman



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